Patents and economic regulation applied to pharmaceuticals


  • Daniel Amin Ferraz UniCEUB
  • Rafael Arcuri UniCEUB, Brasília, DF



Patents, Pharmaceuticals, Competition within patents, Competition between patents


This paper aims to show that the Public Interest Theory is not able to explain why there are patents for drugs, but the Public Choice Theory does. In order for the Public Interest Theory to explain the patent system, such a system would have to be the regulation that most increased the welfare of the population.  However, the studies and formal justifications that support the patent system ignore the competition between patents that have the same therapeutic purpose.  If the political choice between forms of regulation simply ignores the relevant facts for measuring social welfare - the exchange between exclusion and access - it can not be justified as the regulation that best represents the public interest. The research methodology is hypothetical-deductive since tests were used to corroborate the hypothesis that the Public Interest Theory would be able to explain why there are patents for drugs. As these tests failed, the Public Choice Theory hypothesis was tested to see if it would be able to explain why there are pharmaceutical patents. The conclusion is that the latter has remained solid and not been falsified. The research is justified since there are no other similar works and its value derives from the usefulness of its conclusions for the debate of public policies related to drug patents.


Author Biographies

Daniel Amin Ferraz, UniCEUB

Mesre em Direito Empresarial pela Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

Doutor em Direito Empresarial Internacional pela Universidad de València, Espanha

Pesquisador convidado da OMC, Genebra, Suíça (2004)

Professor do Mestrado/Doutorado UniCEUB, Brasília, DF


Rafael Arcuri, UniCEUB, Brasília, DF

Mestre em Direito pelo UniCEUB


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How to Cite

Ferraz, D. A., & Arcuri, R. (2019). Patents and economic regulation applied to pharmaceuticals. FA7 Law Review, 16(1), 61–78.;16.1:836