The Locatio-conductio of the right of habitat


  • María Olga Gil García, Profa. Dra. Universidad de Burgos



Locatio-conduction, Lease, Habitatio, Right of habitation


The object of this work is to study the convenience or not of the lease of the right of habitat from the permissiveness of Justinian Roman law, to the positive Law, in which a right is conceived with much more limited faculties. Always from the perspective of the possible lease, we review the origin of the right of habitat and its most relevant characteristics; We continue, describing what his treatment was at the Reception, basically in two laws of the Third Part; What was his treatment in the different texts of the codification period, to finalize in our civil norms, in which it turns out that the right to habitation is much more limited than in its origin.


Author Biography

María Olga Gil García, Profa. Dra., Universidad de Burgos

Doctora en Derecho por la Universidad de Burgos. Profesora Asociada del Area de Derecho Romano.


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How to Cite

Gil García, M. O. (2019). The Locatio-conductio of the right of habitat. FA7 Law Review, 16(1), 151–165.;16.1:847