Particular or entrepreneurial use for unmanned aerial vehicles - UAV's - in Brazil: The Regulatory Framework Liability and Environmental Law Analysis




Technology, Conflict of competence, UAV’s, Regulation, Public policy


This paper has an aim adress how the new technologies are being regulated in Brazil, being the object using unmanned aerial vehicles, UAV’s or Drones. The work is an analysis on the regulatory framework, a verification guidelines was held and point the gaps. Through the data extracted from the legislation, specialized doctrine, scientific articles and comparative law, the research covers the mapping of the main aspects and dimensions involving drones. In the expecting results, highlighting the need for enhancements on applicability and dissemination of rules for drones pilotage and use. There is lack of specific rules on liability and waste disposal technology.

Author Biographies

Claudia Ribeiro Nunes, Universidade Veiga de Almeida, RJ

PhD (2008) and Master (2002) in Law, both by the UGF and BA in Law (1991) by UERJ. Deputy Coordinator on Graduate Program in Law and Permanent Professor of the PPGD/UVA at Veiga de Almeida University (UVA). Co-coordinator of the Research Group recognized by DGP/CNPq and certified by the UVA: GGINNS - Global Comparative Law: Governance, Innovation and Sustainability. Member of the National Association of Human Rights, Research and Graduate Studies (Andhep). Member of the Brazilian Virtual Learning Association (ABED).Member of the Economic Law Commission (CDEC) and the Comparative Law Commission (CDCO), both by OAB/RJ. Member of Editorial Boards and ad hoc Evaluate of several Scientific Journals and Scientific-legal publishers. Author, among other works, of the book of the Mídia Jurídica Publisher: The value of indigenous knowledge in the light of Nagoya Protocol to CDB and the WTO-TRIPS framework: challenges on the patent related. Author, lecturer and multilingual speaker at national and international events, with publications in Brazil, Portugal, Spain, Chile, Argentina, England, United States, India, Greece and China. Associated with SBPC, CONPEDI and ABEC, among other entities. He has experience in the area of ​​Law, with emphasis with emphasis on globalization of the economy, human rights and companies, competitiveness, social entrepreneurship - regulation, innovation, development, sustainability, citizenship and Public Policies

Priscila Elise Alves Vasconcelos, Universidade Veiga de Almeida - UVA

Advogada atuante, pesquisadora nas áreas de Direito Ambiental e Direito de Energia, com ênfase em energias renováveis, professora universitária e de cursos preparatórios. Doutoranda em Direito pela Universidade Veiga de Almeida - RJ (2018). Mestra no Programa de Pós-Graduação - Mestrado em Agronegócios na Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados - Mato Grosso do Sul (2016/2017). Graduada em Direito pela Universidade Cândido Mendes (2001). Pós-graduada em Direito Processual Civil pela Universidade Cândido Mendes (2001). Especializada em Direito Público e Privado pela Escola de Magistratura do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - EMERJ (2005). Pós-graduada em Direito Público e Privado pela UESA (2006). Pós-graduada em Meio Ambiente pelo MBE/COPPE/UFRJ (2014).


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How to Cite

Nunes, C. R., & Vasconcelos, P. E. A. (2020). Particular or entrepreneurial use for unmanned aerial vehicles - UAV’s - in Brazil: The Regulatory Framework Liability and Environmental Law Analysis. FA7 Law Review, 17(2), 13–24.;17.2:840