The censors’ edict against the Latini rhetores: motivations and consequences


  • Felipe Epprecht Douverny Centro Universitário Campo Real



Roman Law, Censors, Edict, Latin rhetoricians, Regimen morum, Nota censoria


This paper seeks to analyze the edict issued by the roman censors in 92 BC against the Latin rhetoricians, deal with its motivations and try to answer, based on the analysis of the powers exercised by the censors when controlling roman custom (regimen morum), a much debated question in the literature concerning the history of Rhetoric in Rome, that is, knowing if such edict has caused the closing of the schools of the Latini rhetores.


Author Biography

Felipe Epprecht Douverny, Centro Universitário Campo Real




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How to Cite

Douverny, F. E. (2019). The censors’ edict against the Latini rhetores: motivations and consequences. FA7 Law Review, 16(1), 43–58.;16.1:835