Coronavirus and Environmental Law: Necessary discussion to overcome a human and ecological crisis


  • Maria Leonor Ferreira Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Bruno Teixeira Peixoto Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Coronavirus, Environmental Law, Metamorphosis of the world, Legal instruments, Effectiveness


The pandemic of the new coronavirus, in addition to consequences for public health and the world economy, has repercussions within the scope of current Environmental Law, rather represents an ecological crisis that is only human. As causes for zoonoses like Covid-19, according to the United Nations, are large-scale deforestation, the exploitation of wild animals, the precariousness of public sanitation policies and climate change. These are factors linked to the protection and regulation of environmental law, which, as they converge to the current pandemic, potentiate a necessary break in this branch of law. A context aggravated by the contours of the global risk society and the side effects of the metamorphosis of the world, demanding that the instruments of Environmental Law be put into effect, especially in pandemic times. This work seeks to investigate the causes of the pandemic of the new coronavirus and its reflexes to the challenge of an environmental right connected with nature and in harmony with human health, seeking to point out, in this way, which strategies can be adopted in order to guarantee more effective protection for the environment. As a research method the deductive is applied, using national and foreign bibliography related to the theme, in addition to the available scientific data. It is concluded, for now, that the challenges of containing the new coronavirus are interrelated with the effectiveness crisis of the current environmental law which triggers the need to disseminate the instruments already used and that can contribute to an emancipatory catastrophism.

Author Biographies

Maria Leonor Ferreira, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Pós-Doutoranda na UFSC com bolsa da CAPES, vinculada ao Projeto Print coordenado pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental. Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa Direito Ambiental e Ecologia Política na Sociedade de Risco, cadastrado no CNPq e Pesquisadora do Projeto Justside, coordenado pela Universidade de Coimbra e financiado pela Cyted. Pós-doutora em Direito pela UFSC (2014), Doutora em Direito pela UFSC, tendo realizado seu estágio de doutoramento na Universidade de Coimbra/Portugal. Recebeu o Prêmio Mérito Estudantil pela UFSC, o prêmio destaque da iniciação científica pelo CNPQ e o Prêmio no Projeto Justside pela Cyted em 2019.

Bruno Teixeira Peixoto, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Advogado. Especialista em Direito Ambiental e Urbanístico pelo Complexo de Ensino Superior de Santa Catarina - Faculdade CESUSC. Mestrando em Direito Internacional e Sustentabilidade na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC. Graduado em Direito pelo Complexo de Ensino Superior de Santa Catarina - Faculdade CESUSC. Tem experiência na área do Direito, com atenção voltada especialmente às áreas de Direito Constitucional, Administrativo e Ambiental. Possui ampla experiência de estágio no Poder Judiciário, com passagens pelos Tribunais de Justiça dos Estados de Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul, bem como Justiça Federal da Seção Judiciária do Rio Grande do Sul


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How to Cite

Ferreira, M. L., & Peixoto, B. T. (2020). Coronavirus and Environmental Law: Necessary discussion to overcome a human and ecological crisis. FA7 Law Review, 17(3), 87–108.;17.3:1258