

Dear readers, authors and reviewers,

Considering the evolution of national scientific journals in Law and the need to adapt to the best international publishing practices, we inform you that the FA7 Law Review will undergo adjustments in its methodology for receiving and handling submissions and numbers. We will highlight below some aspects that we consider to be of greater importance.

Open editions. The issues of the journals will be published before the approval of the articles in each issue, at the beginning of their periodicity (in January, in May and in September, respectively). For issues 1 and 2 of 2022, both issues will be published, with the approved articles being evenly distributed among them until September 2022.

Continuous publication. If the articles are approved by the reviewers or returned by the authors with the required adjustments, they will be published in a continuous act in the current edition. As soon as the article is published, its reviewers will receive the equivalent certificate.

Authorship. In view of the growth in the type of demand, articles written by up to 3 (three) authors will be accepted, provided that at least one of them has a doctorate degree. If there is co-authorship, the contribution of each one of them must be specified.

Change in the abstract pattern. The abstracts will have a change in their structure, and the elements OBJECTIVE, METHOD, RELEVANCE/ORIGINALITY, RESULTS and THEORETICAL/METHODOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS will be defined in specific paragraphs. For articles already submitted in the system, the adequacy of the abstract to the above standards will be required, after the evaluation process.

Scientific integrity. Additional information will be provided by the authors regarding ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, CONFLICT OF INTEREST, AUTHORSHIP AND SPECIFICATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS and UNITEDNESS AND ORIGINALITY. For articles already submitted in the system, the adequacy of the abstract to the above standards will be required, after the evaluation process.

Response deadlines. All submissions will undergo an editorial review (desk review) within 15 (fifteen) days. The adherence of the article to the theme of the Editorial Policy will also be analyzed. The use of articles from the FA7 Law Journal published in the last 5 (five) years is evidence of this adherence. For articles already submitted, the current situation will be communicated and, if applicable, the editorial analysis, within the period indicated above.

Archiving. Failure by authors to respond to requests from the editorial team within 15 (fifteen) days, even to make corrections to the article already analyzed by the referees, will lead to the filing of the submission.

Reviewer policy. The double blind peer review standard is maintained. Depending on the specificity of the topic, and if there is already an evaluation made by a doctor, an evaluation from a doctoral student may be exceptionally requested. The reviewers will have a period of 15 (fifteen) days to respond to the request, and a further 15 (fifteen) days from the response to prepare the opinion, and this period may be reasonably extended. Authors of submissions with a doctoral degree will be invited to prepare opinions, and they will be responsible for responding to the communication, under penalty of filing their submission. Laconic opinions will not be considered. Reviewers will undergo an evaluation policy, considering the response within the deadlines and quality of the review.

In these terms, we thank you for your understanding and require the collaboration of the community for the good progress of the work.

Prof. Dr. Álisson José Maia Melo
Prof. Dr. Ramon de Vasconcelos Negócio
Adjunct Editor