About the Journal

The FA7 Law Review materializes the academic production of researchers focused on the private relations and development line, a concentration area of ​​the Postgraduate Program in Law, which was created at the end of 2015. It is intended the dissemination of scientific articles, research results, essays, translations and reviews. The Review has been published uninterrupted since 2005.

Since 2015, when the proposal for the creation of the UNI7 Master's Degree in Law was sent, the Periodical underwent a restructuring in order to adapt to the new scientific directions of the Institution, starting to have a semiannual periodicity and only electronic publication, with access through the Open Journal System.

It is currently positioned in stratum B1, as assessed by Capes' WebQualis system (2016), and maintains exchange with the main national and foreign libraries.


Reproduction of articles in any medium is allowed, provided the source is mentioned. All rights reserved to UNI7 - Centro Universitário 7 de Setembro. The magazine uses the CreativeCommons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share-Alike 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

Contact details

All correspondence, including submission of scientific articles, letters to the editors, request for subscription and copies, suggestions, warnings and other information, should be sent to the electronic address of the journal: revistajuridica@uni7.edu.br.


UNI7 - Centro Universitário 7 de Setembro
Av. Maximiano da Fonseca, 1395 - Eng. Luciano Cavalcante - CEP 60811-020
Fortaleza - Ceará- Brazil
Phone: +55 85 4006-7600 - Fax: +55 85 4006-7614


UNI7 - Centro Universitário 7 de Setembro

Scope and mission

The scope and mission of the journal is to disseminate quality scientific articles, favoring the scientific dialogue between researchers from multiple institutions and countries, regarding the themes pertinent to its editorial line.

Costs for article submission

The FA7 Law Review does not charge any fees for submitting articles.

Free access policy

The FA7 Law Review adopts a policy of free access to the complete content of all articles published in it. In this way, access is free, there is no collection of fees for access to the complete content, immediate, no quarantine period is required for access, and informal, without registering the user to be granted access to the complete content .