The Development of the Capability of the Fact from the perspective of Roman Law up to the Statute of the Person with Disabilities

An analysis of autonomy in the legal sphere


  • Samy Canuto Centro Universitário 7 de Setembro


capacity of fact, autonomy, theory of disabilities, dependency ratio


The following work has the purpose of elaborating a critical analysis of the capacity of fact. From there, it is sought to pass through a historical and compared approach about the theories of the incapacities since the roman legal system to the brazillian civil codes from 1916 to 2002, emphasizing, yet, the inclusive alteration performed by the Status of the Person with Disability, in 2015. It is identified, in regards of this theme, the constant clash that occurs between the relationship of dependency and autonomy, which englobes the theory of the incapacities. These ones are reflexes of social conjunctures marked by the incidence of determinant factors. The research acts under a deductive methodological bias, since it is based on a general premise for a particularity. In the light of what was researched, one concludes that, indeed, the social mechanisms have direct impact in the institutionalization of the legal system. In addition, the evolution of the individual autonomy was attested and, by corollary,  represented the amplification of the individual participation in legal acts. 


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