the influence of the Nash equilibrium principle on game theory


  • Stéphanie Souza UNI7


principle of balance, cooperative element, satisfying mediation


deals with the influence of the Nash equilibrium principle, the cooperative element introduced by Nash in game theory, and satisfying mediation as the most effective method of conflict resolution. The methodology has a bibliographical type; the use of the results is pure; referring to the approach or nature is qualitative; and for the purposes is descriptive and exploratory. John Forbes Nash Junior was a student of John Von Neumann at Princeton in the 1950s, it was Nash who inserted the cooperation element into game theory. Game theory is the set of theory of explanation of mediators (people involved in conflict, expose the problem, establish dialogue and try to find common interests), a mediator (third impartial, apt independent, freely chosen or accepted by mediandos , he listens to the mediandos and questions the mediandos) and has a legal basis in Law 13.140 / 2015. Its object of study is the conflict between mediandos and their behavior in the face of the conflict. Conflict based on the modern theory of conflict is the state in which two or more people diverge because of interests or goals. The subject under analysis has interdisciplinary importance, such as: mathematics; social Sciences; psychology; anthropology and sociology.



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