Editorial Policy

The editorial policy of the FA7 Law Review expresses the area of ​​concentration in Private Relations and Development of the UNI7 Postgraduate Law Program, consolidated in its research lines, which are the following thematic axes:

  1. Private Relations, Human Rights and development
  2. Private relationships, market and development.

The FA7 Law Review aims to:

  • Contribute to the training of professionals involved in the legal and related sciences;
  • Publish scientific works of recognized interest in the field of Private Relations, human rights and development, as well as relations. private, market and development, preferably authored or co-authored by a PhD;
  • Publish original works that fall into the following categories:
  1. Original Articles: intended for the dissemination of unpublished original research results of an empirical, experimental or conceptual nature;
  2. Review: des It is about critical and orderly evaluations of the literature on a particular topic. Articles in this category are usually commissioned by the publisher from authors with proven experience in the subject. Unsolicited reviews are also accepted, as long as it expresses the author's experience in the area and not just a literature review;
  3. Reviews: texts that enable critical reading and the dissemination of prominent works recently released in the editorial market;
  4. Translations: texts that allow the diffusion in Portuguese of bibliographical production originally written in other languages ​​and which have great scientific relevance;
  5. Essays: texts in which the authors present their original contribution to the theoretical reflection on the most relevant topics in the journal's area of ​​activity;
  6. Interviews.