
ISSN (print): Nº 1809-5836
ISSN (electronic): Nº 2447-9055

The primary purpose of the journal is to disseminate quality scientific articles, favoring the scientific dialogue among researchers of multiple institutions, regarding the themes pertinent to its editorial line. The annual volume is composed of three publications, with a four-month periodicity.

The editorial body of UNI7 Law Review is not responsible for the data and opinions expressed in the articles, and these are the sole responsibility of the authors. All correspondence, including submission of scientific articles, letters to the editors, request for subscriptions and copies, suggestions, warnings and other information, should be sent to the following address: revistajuridica@uni7setiembre.edu.br.
Frequency: Semester
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Álisson José Maia Melo
Assistant Editor: Prof. Dr. Ramon de Vasconcelos Negócio

UNI7 - University Center September 7
Rector: Ednilton Gomes de Soárez
Vice-Rector: Ednilo Gomes de Soárez
Pro-Rector of Graduation: Adelmir de Menezes Jucá
Pro-Rector of Administration: Henrique Soárez
Secretary General: Fani Weinschenker de Soárez
Law Course Coordinator: Maria Vital da Rocha
Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Law: João Luís Nogueira Matias