Different attempts in the regulation of the LGTBIAQ+ community in Spain


  • Antonio Villanueva Martínez




LGTBIAQ community, Legislative proposition, Draft law, Legislative technique, Equality


There are three different legislative texts proposed for the regulation of the rights of the LGTBIAQ+ community in Spain since December 2020, without any of them having been approved to date. We analyze comparatively these three potential laws, their adequacy to the right of equality and their legislative technique, concluding that the approval of the last of the proposed laws would imply a regression in the rights of the LGTBIAQ+ community.


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How to Cite

Villanueva Martínez, A. (2021). Different attempts in the regulation of the LGTBIAQ+ community in Spain. FA7 Law Review, 18(3), 141–151. https://doi.org/10.24067/rjfa7;18.3:1679