The ecologically balanced environment as a fundamental right of the third dimension. Reflections from the constitutional protection of Costa Rica. Abstract:


  • Carlos E. Peralta Universidad de Costa Rica



Anthropocene, Legal protection of the environment, Fundamental right to an ecologically balanced environment, Costa Rica


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the scope of the legal protection of the natural environment based on the theory of fundamental rights, with the aim of ensuring that this protection allows the exercise of freedoms and respect for the biophysical limits and resilience of Nature. Specifically, the aim is to study the constitutional protection of the environment in Costa Rica in order to identify its characteristics and make some brief reflections on its possible strengthening. 

Author Biography

Carlos E. Peralta, Universidad de Costa Rica

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How to Cite

Peralta, C. E. (2021). The ecologically balanced environment as a fundamental right of the third dimension. Reflections from the constitutional protection of Costa Rica. Abstract: . FA7 Law Review, 18(1), 169–189.;18.1:1348