From legal sovereignty to nationality: from state location to sports delocalization


  • Ramon Negócio Uni7



Globalization, Lex sportiva, Sovereignty, Citizenship, Nationality


This paper aims at analyzing how the concepts of sovereignty, citizenship and nationality – traditionally ascribed to public law - are re-signified in the realm of sports law. The paper starts off with the premise that globalization has already transformed our way of looking at the state. Now the state begins to coexist with private actors. The perception of territory, people and the monopoly of sanction gains, by that token, new controlling actors. Thus, it is absolutely necessary to differentiate between legal sovereignty and political sovereignty in order to explain the validity of decisions made by private global structures such as lex sportiva. Resting on private autonomy, the sports order manages to be effective because of its associative character and hierarchy. Based on concrete cases, the Court of Arbitration for Sport manages to apply within its internal logic the idea of legal sovereignty, citizenship and nationality in order to guarantee sports equality. The conclusions suggest that some traditional public law concepts no longer account for the performance of global private actors, thus urging to be updated.


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How to Cite

Negócio, R. (2021). From legal sovereignty to nationality: from state location to sports delocalization. FA7 Law Review, 18(1), 155–168.;18.1:1315