
  • Samuel Ferreira Centro Universitário 7 de Setembro


HIV, AIDS, law, work, fundamental rights.


The purpose of this work is to emphasize the importance of respect for people living with HIV or who have HIV-related illnesses. In addition to the social stigma that the virus epidemic brought to the HIV-positive person, relationships within the scope of the Labor Law were also affected, regardless of the worker's condition. As evidenced by the Federal Constitution of 1988, human beings, in general, need to be respected and have their dignity pleaded in the social field in an integrated manner. In the effective application of the principle of human dignity in labor relations, for example, certain procedures are necessary so that individual rights and guarantees are implemented and maintained. Thus, the portion of individuals affected by the virus demand specific rules and provisions to be protected by the Brazilian legal system in relation to labor relations. It is in this line that the present work proposes to study the possible violations of constitutional principles and other infra-constitutional norms in Labor Law, in order to contribute to a better understanding of the situation and warn of its consequences.


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