Simulation of a Separation System using the PLC


  • Carlos Eduardo Neto e Silva UNI7
  • Heloísa Raposo
  • Vitor Austregésilo Bezerra
  • Alyson Bezerra Ribeiro


Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), Automation, Sensors, Valves, Order separation


This article aims to present the operation of a parts separation system on an automated conveyor belt using the knowledge obtained in the Automation and Control discipline of the Production Engineering course. In order to see in practice the development of the system programming on the treadmill, it was necessary to use the teaching bench, which has the treadmill and the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), to control the different types of sensors and valves that are used in the reading, writing and subsequent execution of the commands informed in the programming carried out, which is carried out according to the needs that arise with the desired requests.


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