Corrosion Inhibition Process for Carbon Stainless Steel in Acid Medium Using Extracts


  • Ciro Araujo Farias UNI7/Graduando Engenharia Mecânica
  • Francisco Eudásio Ferreira Batista UNI7/Professor das Engenharias
  • Rodrigo Carvalho Souza Costa IFCE Campus Paracuru/ Professor e Coordenador
  • Antonia Daniele Souza Bruno Costa UNI7/Professora das Engenharia


corrosion, green inhibitors, carbon steel


The corrosion process , widely present in industrial sector, generates high annual cost anda a need of constant preventive maintence with purpose to avoid equipament damage. Included to these factors, the new policies of reduction in toxic products in the enviroment generate new opportunities for researching about the development of new green inhibitors. Green inhibitors do not affect the enviroment, because they are derivated form organic material. Furthermore, they can be produced by part of fruits and vegetables scraped by humans. In this work, green inhibitors produced by papaya (carica papaya), green grape (vitis vinifera L) with seed, and noni (norinda citrofilia) to verify their corrosion inhibition efficiency in carbon steel SAE 1020 when these inhibitors are exposed to 0.1 M acid solution. 


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