A pandemic diary

A look at the feeling


  • Livia Carneiro Centro universitário 7 de setembro


Pandemic, Photobook, Self-portrait, Feelings.


A subject that is gaining more importance and recognition is the issue of mental health. In a society where the rates of depression and anxiety are increasing, the issue becomes more and more important to be discussed, especially when dealing with mental health and relating it to a pandemic. The main idea of ​​the work is to portray feelings proper to modernity, generated during this quarantine caused by the new coronavirus, are fragments and memories that accompanied me during that moment, showing that through photography we can also tell stories.
This work aims at the elaboration of a photographic essay that will be supported by the photobook. I chose photography as the main language because it is a form of recording that will show future generations my vision and experience during this very difficult phase. This photographic study also reveals not only the narrative capacity, but also its dramatic content. The experimental project aims to build self-portraits of my private daily life as an attempt to portray my disorders and another Livia that many do not see. All of this takes place in poetic form, presented through self-portraits, drawings and short sentences.


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