
  • Yasmin Lima Uni7


Marketing de relacionamento. Gestão do CRM. Brand Persona. Marketing de relacionamento


In the face of technological advances in online sales channels and changing consumer behavior, e-commerce has become a powerful sales strategy for companies. Understanding this, Coco & Mar emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic period with the challenge of reaching customers, having a good marketing strategy, positioning itself correctly, supplying the demand and uncertainty of undertaking in the digital market. For this, the company created the avatar “Coco” that brought more humanization to the brand, brought new customers even closer and created a strong and engaged community in social networks, addressing themes and content in addition to the final product. Along with this strategy, the company works closely with the customer, in the pre, during and after sales, perfecting its service channels and its internal processes, to guarantee its customers the best experience with its parts. Allied to this, the social network Instagram, which is “managed” by Coco, brings an inclusive, curious and diverse content, with a jovial, informal language and that generates an engagement of its audience in an organic way, so the company manages to have a more in-depth knowledge of your target audience, being able to meet your needs more quickly and effectively. Finally, the brand object of the study, meets the main points of relationship marketing, getting ahead of its competitors and becoming more competitive in the middle of the market in which it is inserted.


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