
  • Valdecio Sousa Centro Universitário 7 de Setembro


Trans, Biopolitics, Health Unic System, Psychology


This work deals with the nuances of transsexuality in relation to care by SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde), considering the issue of the medicalization of bodies, based on biopower, studied by Foucault. The main idea of ​​the work is to expose the public health practices in the care of transsexual individuals investigating insertion of the role of psychology in this context, in order to understand the health policies offered by the State, as well as to identify the normative forms of the bodies. The method used is an exploratory research, in order to delimit the problem of research successfully, using as search information digital databases and books, using the words medicalization, trans and public health. The state of the art of this work is given by the definitions of transsexuality, care in the SUS with this subject and the ways in which biopolitics medicalizes bodies, with Michel Foucault and Berenice Bento as the main authors. The discussion was based on the way in which psychology deals with the subjects, looking for ways of tantalizing the effects of the medicalization of the trans bodies by the biopolitical scrutiny in other scopes, making themselves think of the subjectivity of the transsexuals. In addition, it was noted that this sensitive view of transgender people is not only in the biological field, but also in other spheres of the population, in order to reduce psychic suffering and maintain autonomy in the way of living.


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